Monday 29 November 2010


best fixed shooter of all time according to me, very big reference to my game.
My game basically evolves round this game.

Sunday 28 November 2010

plants vs zombies

to be honest im not a fan of this game but i thought it would be good research because a know alot of other people are drawn to it so maybe I can learn this factor and add it to my game

what makes a iphone game unique?

I think a iphone game has to have a unique name and also a easy to identify image for the icon so when people come across it they will want to read the information that is shown when a person touches the icon representing the game on the apple app store.

Saturday 27 November 2010

(Chosen Idea) Hippies vs aliens

I have chosen to go with hippies vs aliens because i think there can be alot of development involved in this idea and I decided humour comes before educational games

Friday 26 November 2010

New project..... apple app concept

I started with 2 ideas for a app...

idea 1. fixed shooter game called Hippies vs Aliens

idea 2. urban eraser

hippies vs aliens involves alot of humour with the conflict between the 2 opponents

urban eraser could be educational in some way because the game is based on erasing graffiti of walls 

Monday 22 November 2010

The Lusca

This is quite a strange concept but its of a pirate legendary creature called a lusca, from what you can see its part shark and part squid. I thought it would be good to create my own concept up for this and not use a reference.
I thought there was quite good depth in this drawing and the lighting is ok to, I think I could of done alot better with the tentacles and added suckers or made the more curvy for more of a flexible effect.

Sunday 14 November 2010

night of the living bones

another concept for the NPCs, this concept I got quite carried away with detail but I quite like this because it shows subtlety but a rough idea of what the description is

haunted ship concept

Another concept, this is suppose to symbolize a haunted ship but Im not too sure if it came out well. I thought the face in the clouds would give away the idea of it being a source ghostly presence.
I did think of drawing little ghosts down where the walking planks are but I decided to go for the clouds because maybe it might of had a bigger effect when someone looks at this drawing.

Monday 1 November 2010

black beards pirate ship concept

Using the references to quickly come up with a brief idea in my head I concluded with this drawing.
I thought of making the ship look quite dead which would give the effect of it being evil to fit as a antagonist for the NPC cards.

Friday 29 October 2010

pirate ship reference

I couldnt find any good references on pirate ships besides these 2 images, so I will have to use what i have and come up with a quick concept.

Im going to look at these images and use the colour also for reference to catch the right atmosphere for my concept.

Monday 25 October 2010

Second concepted (Siren)

I used the structure of the reference and came up with my own idea. I thought trying to draw from imagination would help my weakness of drawing the human figure.
This drawing I'm not very happy with because it seems to look quite messy; I would rather it be smoother with the skin tone.
I will try another idea to see if it comes out differently and more on the lines of what I would like to achieve.

Sirens (mermaids)

Ive never been very good coming up with my own human forms; its never been my strong point so I have decided to find a Reference online that will help me.
This should help me with a basic figure:

Thursday 14 October 2010

First concept for NPC (The Kraken)

This is the first idea i came up with of the legendary kraken consuming a boat down into the belly of the ocean. This was an idea from imagination so I thought id challenge myself and try to draw from my head


Ive been chosen by team leader to design art work for our NPC cards, these cards are basically the final boss that you have to fight if you have survived long enough and have high amounts of resources when your coming towards the end of the game.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

main factors of a pirates world

curved sword
wooden ship
gold teeth
long johns
hat with bandana
leather boots
little rum flask
wooden leg
cannon pistol
jewelry (rings)

more on the way......hopefully

Sunday 10 October 2010

Wednesday 6 October 2010

pirate style board game

The group has all chosen to go for a pirate genre for the board game, hopefully it works out well.

Time to research some references for inspiration

Sunday 3 October 2010


   There are many different types and styles of board games, they can range from having a easy objective such as snakes and ladders, to rules such as Cluedo which is more complicated, meaning you will probably be thinking a lot more.
Snakes and ladders; accomplish reaching the top of the board, but on the way you have ladders which give you a bonus and move your position either a few spaces or a couple of levels up, however the snakes ruin your chance of winning so they basically do the opposite of ladders and send you back a few spaces or send you down a couple of levels.
The rules of cluedo
At the beginning of play, three cards, one suspect, one weapon, and one room card are chosen at random and put into a special envelope, so that no one can see them. These cards represent the facts of the case. The remainder of cards is then distributed among the players.
Players are instructed to assume the token/suspect nearest them. Play begins with Miss Scarlet and proceeds clockwise. Players roll the dice and move along the board spaces accordingly, and entering rooms in order to make suggestions from that room.
The aim is to deduce the details of the murder; that is, the cards in the envelope. There are six different characters, six possible murder weapons and nine different rooms, leaving the players with 324 distinct possibilities. In the course of determining the details of the murder, players announce suggestions to the other players, for example, "I suggest it was Professor Plum, in the Library, with the candlestick." All elements contained in the suggestion are moved into the room in the suggestion.
The other players must then disprove the suggestion, if they can. This is done in clockwise order around the board. A suggestion is disproved by showing a card containing one of the suggestion components (for example, Professor Plum) to the player making the suggestion, as this proves that the card cannot be in the envelope. Showing the card to the suggesting player is done in secret so the other players may not see which card is being used to disprove the suggestion. Once a suggestion has been disproved, the player's turn ends and moves on to the next player.
The player's suggestion only gets disproved once. So, though several players may hold cards disproving the suggestion, only the first one will show the suggesting player his or her card. A player may only make a suggestion when his or her piece is in a room and the suggestion can only be for that room.
Once a player has sufficiently narrowed the solution, that player can make an accusation. According to the rules, "When you think you have worked out which three cards are in the envelope, you may, on your turn, make an Accusation and name any three elements you want." Players may name any room (unlike a Suggestion, where a player's character pawn must be in the room the player suggests).
The accusing player checks the validity of the accusation by checking the cards, keeping them concealed from other players. If he has made an incorrect accusation, he plays no further part in the game except to reveal cards secretly to one of the remaining players when required to do so in order to disprove suggestions. Also, according to the rules, "If, after making a false Accusation, your character pawn is blocking a door, [you must] move it into that room so that other players may enter." Since a character pawn can only block a door by being outside of a room, this clearly demonstrates that the character pawn need not be in any room to make an Accusation. If the player made a correct accusation, the solution cards are shown to the other players and the game ends.
It is possible for a player to be using the piece representing the murderer. This does not affect the game play; the object of the game is still to be the first to make the correct accusation. If the game is played with two people, the process of elimination diffuses the same information to both players. Such a game tends to pass quickly. All editions of the current version of the game are advertised as a three to six player game only. Traditionally, the UK version was advertised for two-six players.
   As you can see there are a lot of differences in board games, they can range from similar to entirely different.
Snakes and ladders in more based for children so it isn’t made to be difficult otherwise a child wouldn’t be able to play it because they wouldn’t understand the rules and wouldn’t be interested because of this.

1st project "board games"


   A Board game is a game when 2 or more people fight against eachother to win, this can be countered or pieces are placed, removed, or moved on a Premark area, according to a set of rules.
   Board Games maybe based on complete strategy, chance or a mixture of the both, these help the players to beat other opponents or win the game. 
   Most of the early board games usually showed a battle between 2 armies, though the most recent board games are still based on beating opposing players in terms of counters, winning position or accrual of points (this is usually expressed as in-game currency.)

Saturday 2 October 2010

concept ideas for intro project

  1st is a concept of an old london alley but drawn in my own image, i chose this because old london 1800s links to sherlock holmes/jack the ripper which were set in a kind of suttle gothical time period, so i thought this would fit nicely to a spooky concept for the gothic horror street fighter.

 2nd is a concept of a dark forest, i came up with this idea of the dark forest I thought naturally a forest at night is quite scary because of the minimum amount of light there is, i made my drawing more lighter so you can see more of the detail.

Friday 1 October 2010

Introduction project "gothic horror street fighter"

Pick 2 pieces of paper from a box and look what you get, gothic horror street fighter.......awesome!!!!

basically we got put into groups which was nerve racking because I didnt know anyone......ooooooo spooky it was.
in our groups we had to create a brief drawing concept for a game. The whole group was workin on different things, I worked on environment which i knew I was going to do the moment I saw it on the brief because my environment design is stronger than my character design.
hopefully it went well

coming to this new place

first day of uni was great; new people = making friends and a great intro project.
I got really into the intro project to be honest, wasn't expecting myself to get into it like I did.

I was right about choosing this course.