Thursday 22 November 2012

The Iteration Process

This may be a scene in my graphic novel sequence, I have come back to this quite a lot so I thought I would show how it has developed. This piece is still a work in progress:
Noah bradley - Environment artist for Magic: The Gathering

Noah Bradley did a paint over of my work and gave me some pointers for the piece, click the link and my piece is at 19 minutes through the stream. Once finished his perception of my piece looked something like this:

From this I decided to rethink and experiment, next I came up with something like this:

Though I was not happy with it still I took it back to values and expanded the depth a bit more

To this date I decided to experiment with textures and colour pick so speed up my process and so the latest version below looks heavily photo based, but I'm happy with it so far...

BA7 - Vehicle inspirations and references

Apollo 13(film)

After watching the film I noticed how claustrophobic the control module was on the apollo 13 odyssey. From my early concept of the interior of my command module it was rather open and spaced. The concept below is rather futuristic for what I'm looking for but it is a start:

Very first design

Below is the later design which was referenced from the film Apollo 18, although it is still open and needs to be more condensed because the lander is only supposed to fit 2 people but this looks like it could fit a crowd. I shall continue this in BA8. 

screenshot 1

screenshot 2

screenshot 3

more designs to come!

Sunday 18 November 2012

BA7 - Main character references

Main character -

could possibly be male or female, below are some possible names for the main character

Male names - Aleksandr Mikhail, Nikola Pervak

Female name - Nina Sotnik, Natalya Gurkovsky


Character and personality references -
  • Niko Bellic - Grand Theft Auto 4
Niko Bellic is a very fearless character and comes across as someone that can overcome problems with a optimistic state of mind. This would be good to incorporate this into my character.
Niko's past is quite barbaric judging from what he explains in the story of the game; he relates back to his past quite a lot even though he is trying to leave it behind.
For my narrative this could work quite well in maybe having a back story for my character, which inflicts on the story and giving the reader an idea of how and why the character is the way they are.


  • Viktor Reznov - Call of Duty World at War/Call of Duty Black Ops
Viktor Reznov is a NPC that guides/leads a player to different objectives while also helping the player succeed. The characters sense of leadership and decisions show a solid fighter. One that fights even through disabilities such as his trigger finger being injured even though he is still managing to fire a gun; another problem solving personality that would be good to reference. 

Viktor from COD World at War

Viktor from COD Black Ops

  • Black Widow - Marvel Comics
Originally a Russian spy Black Widow is portrayed as a looks can be deceiving sort of character. From her good looks and seductive physique male characters tend to feel over confident with their first impressions of fighting this character, because Black Widow has a variety or skills relating to her occupation.
If I were to concept a Female character for my role this character would be a big reference to work from. This idea is good because it provides a nice surprise from the reader.
apollo 13 movie
the space race information

BA7 - Graphic novel narrative - synopsis

Title - Lost With No Vodka

Pages 1- 5

Rough synopsis - 
  • Soviet Cosmonaut is sent on a secret mission to the moon
  • While traveling to the moon he/she veers off course towards a strange nebula
  • Collides with a energy field that sends him/her to a different solar system
  • Crash lands on a strange planet similar to earth
  • Air is breathable and planet is habitable
  • Exits crashed shuttle and sees a human-like city
  • Starts walking towards city
  • Arrives but nobody is there
  • To be continued

Thursday 8 November 2012

Why are graphics novels popular now?

Graphic novels are growing in popularity as more people become familiar with the diverse format. A thriving market for the graphic novels and rich cross-cultural influences mean that more experimental, innovative, high-quality stories are available now more than ever before. Readers have a variety to choose from so that readership is no longer restricting to fans to superhero escapades or slapstick humour. In accumulation to this there is greater access to graphic novels such as collections in public or in libraries; this definitely helps with popularity outcomes.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Where did the term 'graphic novel' come from?

The term “graphic novel.”

The following is a piece of text taken from a transcript of Will Eisner’s keynote address at the ‘Will Eisner Symposium’. He explains of how the term graphic novel began:

That began what is known as the graphic novel today. Those of you who've heard me speak before know this now famous story about how it was called a “graphic novel.” I completed the book, A Contract With God, and I called the president of Bantam Books in New York, who I knew had seen my work with The Spirit. Now, this was a very busy guy who didn't have much time to speak to you.
So I called him and said, "There's something I want to show you, something I think is very interesting." 
He said, "Yeah, well, what is it?"
A little man in my head popped up and said, "For Christ's sake stupid, don't tell him it's a comic. He'll hang up on you." So, I said, "It's a graphic novel."
He said, "Wow! That sounds interesting. Come on up."

From Eisner’s words the term graphic novel was created in 1978, this was at the same time his work A Contract With God had finished.

Reference: Keynote address from the 2002 'Will Eisner Symposium  

Will Eisner

Will Eisner’s ‘A Contract With God and Other Tenement Stories

Will Eisner is famous for all manner of things, not least of which is a comic career spanning more decades than most readers will have been alive. But it was with this book, A Contract With God and Other Tenement Stories that Eisner is credited by creating adult related novel length comics to a broader audience. America was usually focused on monthly series and newspaper strips. Eisner took the basic elements and created a very unique and influential piece of quality work.
This collection of four stories: A Contract With God, The Street Singer, The Super and Cookalein takes the reader to the Bronx in the 1930s as seen from Eisner’s autobiographical perspective. Each story is about a different character, passed on a real person, with one thing binding them – an overwhelming desire to lift themselves out of the tenements.
The fact that it is not completely about himself seems to bring more seriousness to his work, meaning that there is less time for him to replenish half remembered details but more time for the development of his characters and their dramatic lives.
Another graphic novel created by Will Eisner called To the Heat of the Storm is a stark of great ambitious contrast, because we as readers are left with a feeling that the characters are keen observations rather than two dimensional stereotypes. The tenements themselves provide a heavy, almost gravitational backdrop, drawing Eisner’s cast back into the black holes of poverty and depression no matter how hard they try to leave.
This graphic novel almost does not show its age despite its venerable years with the history of the New York Bronx as important now as it was when this narrative was made.
 These short narratives are unique in the medium and rightly deserve the reverence they receive.

Referenced from Andy Shaw, January 30th 2011,

Will Eisner’s ‘To the Heart of the Storm’

Left: To the Heart of the Storm front cover.

Right: Artwork from the novel

A classic example of how comics can be treated as a more serious subject, To the Heart of the Storm is an autobiographical narrative, which tells a story about a young Jewish boy, growing up in New York City during both world wars.
The memories are pictured flooding back to Eisner as he sits on a train. He is on his way to boot camp having been sent to fight in World War Two. A silent, ruminative Eisner is seen in a thoughtful mood, gazing out of the window, twisting the buildings and people he passes into scene from his past.
Eisner’s black and white style really creates mood and atmosphere of the dream-like nature of his recollections; as an artist I myself also agree with this statement. Eisner also does not use rigid frames to keep the sequential drawings in check; instead he uses drifting smoky effects to take the reader from one memory to the next. His style within his character drawings involves some caricature with their exaggerated facial expression to get the effect he requires, but still keeps other aspects of anatomy maintained with the correct scale and forms; this balances his caricature style with a realistic feel.
To the Heart of the Storm is a fascinating insight into the formative years of the author, especially from his perspective of a Jew in an era when racial tolerance was quite poor. The way, in which the author’s train-travelling alter ego remembers his past to be chaotic, especially scattered, as it is with further dramatized recollections built from the memories of his parents.

‘This probably is one best left to those with a particular interest in the era or the circumstances in which Eisner grew up, as it left us feeling like we wanted more, that too few conclusions had been drawn. Or perhaps that’s just the way life is.’

 Referenced from Andy Shaw, January 30th 2011,

The 'graphic novel'

What is a Graphic novel?

ipl2’s definition:
Graphic novels are basically defined versions of comics; book-length so to speak. Graphic novels can be a linear narrative from start to finish or they can be lots of shorter narratives or individual comic strips. Comics are sequential visual art combined with text that is often told in a series of rectangular panels. 1 Despite its name comics don’t have to be funny. Many comics and graphic novels show much Emphasis in drama, adventure, character development, striking visuals, politics, or romance over laugh-out-loud comedy.

Wikipedia’s definition:
The term graphic novel is not strictly defined, though one broad dictionary definition is “a fictional story that is presented in a comic-strip format and presented as a book.” In the publishing trade, the term is sometimes prolonged to material that would not be classed as a novel if produced in another medium. Collections of comic books that do not procedure a continuous story, anthologies or collections of freely related pieces, and even non-fiction are stocked in libraries and bookstores as “graphic novels” (similar to the way in which dynamic stories are included in “comic” books).

History of graphic novels and how they have been developed

As the exact definition of graphic novels is questionable, the origins of the art form are open to analysis. Cave paintings may have told stories, and artists and craftspeople beginning in the ‘Middle Ages’ produced tapestries and illuminated manuscripts that helped. Visual parodies, satires, political cartoons, and straightforward funny drawings have been around for centuries also, but it took the rise of the newspaper industry in the late nineteenth century to bring comics into everyday households.

Most comic historians agree that Will Eisner was to of created the first graphic novel with his A Contract With God and Other Tenement Stories, which was published in 1978. 2 Distinctively adult in its images, themes, and language, Eisner’s book spoke out to the generations that had first grown up with the superhero comics in the 1940s and 1950s.

Will Eisner, A Contract With God 
and Other Tenement Stories

BA7 Learning agreement

Sunday 8 May 2011

first door model

To start off I began with a vertical rectangular shape for the door and beveled the two top corner and moved the offset the its maximum which rounded the top of the mesh into a curve which it then looked something like this,

after then doing this I created a thin square that was to be the wall for the door. I duplicated the door to be safe so that if anything happens the original mesh is still intact.
I expanded the width between the front and back face of the door copy then moved the bottom edges of the mesh so there was alot of registered space between the walls and the door so I could use it as a boolean so the door could fit inside the wall.... after using the boolean tool the copy of the door disappeared so it was good I duplicated it otherwise the original mesh would be gone.

once done the basic shape looked something like this

Saturday 7 May 2011

concept artwork to start initiative process

My thoughts are to try and model the door on the top left because I've not had much experience with modeling so I think it will be simple to start with 

Tuesday 5 April 2011

References for the Door

Here are some pictures I found while searching google. These are for some quick starting points that can be developed to create my own door.

while on a journey surfing the net I have to say the metal swans that are joint to this door inspired my to think about maybe putting that little bit extra into sculpting on my door. This brought a image up in my head of a metal lions head with the ring for a door knocker in its mouth, maybe with some tests once my door is finished in maya I could try and sculpt this idea; would be difficult... but I'm up to the test.

Although! Im not very familiar with modeling so I have decided to go with something simple to start with, the door above is my first line of inspiration for now. I will come back to the other door shown further above.