Monday 28 February 2011

digital sculpture

i know i shouldnt of gone over the top with painting and textures but i got too carried away and wanted to
see how far i could get with using mudbox for my 3rd time

3rd life drawing class and other walk in life drawing

Im very please with how the female drawings came out in this, I do believe im gradually improving with my life drawing.

Final 3D animation

i spent alot of time and effect into this piece of work I really hope it was worth the hours...weeks even

Sunday 27 February 2011

3D animation

   With 3D animation models are created and rigged for a animator to animate.

   To start with a model is made and built up from scratch with polygons in a 3D modeling program for example maya. The model if to say it was a human like character it would have individual parts for limbs that need to be rigged and also anything else that needs to produce movement. These parts are rigged with joints and a skeleton so the model can contain any sort of motion that can be made.
Once done the animator then focuses on making the model move as realistically as possible/or to just have a very smooth animation.

   3D animation you cant just start where you like because you must literally bring your character to life first before you can actually accomplish your goal.

2nd life drawing class

worked really quickly in this lesson spent small amount of minutes on the drawings so we were just trying to capture the value of body shape

2D Ball animations

First attempted at 2D animation on photoshop, was quite messy but i followed through and completed the task

2D animation

   Movement is created by objects being created or edited on computer software. The software orders the frames automatically meaning you can press play and the animation is in sequence and will be generated at fps.

   On the other hand there is also a way to generate motion by not using computer software at all. This is called a flipbook, a traditional way of animation populated in the 19th century of which the device was invented. A flipbook is basically a hand drawn animation set to be at the side or corner of a page inside a book so that multiple drawings can be drawn on each page but placed in roughly the same place on each page, so when you flick through the pages each drawing gives the illusion of movement.

   2D animation is easier to get started but tough to get precise and accurate outcomes because of having to have a good hand to steadily redraw each image accurately to the previous.

researching animation: animation itself

Animation is a rapid display of a number of images of a 2D or 3D format, this could be artwork or rigged models; positioned in a order to create the vision of movement.
The causes a optical illusion to the human eye by how fast each image is being shown due to the frame rate whether this is 10 fps or 24 fps. Obviously 24 fps is more of a believable and smoother because more images are being shown in each second.

   Examples of early animation are set to be approximately 4000 years ago to the egyptians; images of 2 wrestlers fighting, even thought its not being shown as a sequence it still identifies the movement in a superimposed format. 

First day of life drawing

First day of life drawing i think it went quite well considering Im not used to drawing the human figure because my technique of drawing is more towards the environment style from being very messy with construction lines but with environment it blends with the technique but for anatomy I think it ruins the structure.